HitFix Golf Balance Rod Training Aid is a simple and straightforward training device that helps you stand and balance and keeps your position in place. Find the right stance and body weight circulation for a more steady position and knees during swings. Practice good balance for consistent swings, shots, putts and chips.
HitFlex Golf Balance Rod Training Aid provides a visual aid to help you find, feel and check your weight balance during play. Get perfect body balance to achieve consistent swings with good impact and without injury.
Reduce the risk for injury by finding your balance. The proper straddle and weight distribution prevents your body from putting excessive pressure to your spine that could lead to overswinging and excessive rotation. This helps you maintain a good posture while preventing lower back and hip injury.
HitFlex Golf Balance Rod Training Aid helps you keep your proper posture and maintain focus on your swing, stroke or putting. A stable upper and lower body gives you better rotation movement range that increases your swing speed and distance. Balance is essential for controlling your aim accuracy and swing impact.
Using the balance rod allows you a stable back brace for legs and lower body which prevents you from moving outside your base during backswing. This maintains good rotational range and prevents injuries.
Components: Canvas
Color: Red, Blue
Product size: 47cm x 7cm
Total Length: 94cm
1 x HitFlex Golf Balance Rod Training Aid
Collections: Best Seller, New Arrival