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Reusable Nespresso Capsule (Upgraded Version)

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Want to have instant fresh coffee every day? TheReusable Nespresso Capsule (Upgraded Version) will help you. Just fill the coffee grind, put it in the machine and press the fixed handle, turn on the coffee machine, you can get fresh coffee.

Image result for Reusable Nespresso Capsule GIF


  • 🌱Zero-waste: Reuse your capsules and stop contributing to the waste
  • 💰 Save Money: Save up hundreds of dollars per year on busing pre-ground coffee with our reusable capsules

  • 👨‍⚕️Healthy: Made of stainless steel, that's totally BPA and aluminum-free. Furlan has been found in single-use capsules, a carcinogenic element that you will never find in our stainless steel capsule.
  • 👍Easy to use: Toss in your dishwasher, or easily wash by hand. Whichever you choose. You’ll be spending more time drinking coffee than you will be cleaning.

Refillable Nespresso Capsules - makegoodies

  • 😊Flexible: Pick your favorite coffee, or mix and match flavors! With our pod, you’re no longer stuck with what is on the store shelves.

Refillable Nespresso Capsules - makegoodies


  • Components: Food grade plastic PP +Silicone + Stainless Steel 304
  • Size: Approx. 36 x 25mm



  • 1 x Reusable Nespresso Capsule 

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