SHHH! Beware of the mad dog, he's sleeping. Bored at home and can’t find anything else to do except for electronic gadgets? Spend hours of fun and laughter with your family with our interactive Shhh! Don't Wake Up the Mad Dog toy. A truly fun game that will make you shriek, laugh and giggle!
Distribute the cards and check how many bones you need to steal. Use a cat's paw tweezer to try and steal the most bones. Simply be mindful so as not to awaken him. Whoever gets the most bones without waking the angry bulldog, wins!
So easy to play, even your lil bro and sis can join in the game! Distribute the cards and check how many bones you need to steal. Use a cat's paw tweezer to try and steal the most bones. Just be careful not to wake him up. Whoever catches the most bones without waking the angry bulldog, wins!
Gather your family and friends and have hours of giggling and shrieking while playing Shhh! Don't Wake Up the Mad Dog. This toy is also educational because it teaches kids how to count using the bones that they steal.
Components: ABS
Age Range: > 5 years old.
Battery: Requires 3 'AA' batteries (not included)
Size: 17cm x 12cm x 7.5cm
1 x Mad Dog toy
Collections: Best Seller, New Arrival